How to Find an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner

How to Find an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner

With the rising costs of healthcare, people are starting to look into alternative therapies. Do you know what to look for when it comes to finding an alternative healthcare practitioner? Here are some helpful hints.

Things You'll Need:

Common sense

Some knowledge of health history

Open mind


The first step is to get a complete physical from your physician. Find any existing health problems and make sure that looking into alternative therapies are something your family doctor is willing to talk to you about. Evaluate your needs based on the health report you get back from your doctor.


Talk to people you know who already use alternative therapies. They will know practitioners in your area that specialize in the therapies or techniques you are interested in. They will also be able to give you an idea of the cost and the benefits of some of the modalities.


Research the therapies and find some that interest you. There are several out there including massage therapy, reiki, acupuncture, trigger point therapy and more. Once you decide on a therapy, start interviewing practitioners. Ask lots of questions.


Don't forget to give at each therapy time to work. Benefits from massage are evident soon afterwards. Other therapies may take one or two days. Herbal remedies can work quickly or long-term. Some may take a few weeks. Don't get discouraged.

Tips & Warnings

Don't go into anything blind. Read and investigate the treatments you are interested in. Become knowledgeable about your body.

Read disclaimers and labels.

How to find Alternative ways to Alleviate Pain for Cancer Patients

How to find Alternative ways to Alleviate Pain for Cancer Patients

There are many ways to treat cancer but alternative methods are becoming more popular


Study your diagnosis and consult your doctor to make sure alternative medicine methods do not conflict with pre-existing treatments.


Massage therapy is used to promote blood and lymphatic flow and improve circulation, as well as improving muscle tension. It can also stimulate nervous and digestive systems.


Meditation relieves stress, anxiety and depress among other things. Some studies have shown it can even slow tumor growth.


Supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids are great ways to improve health and fight disease. Just make sure they don't disrupt prescription medication.

Tips & Warnings

Some cancers vary but the three above steps should improve and even extend ones life. I got the above information for mesothelioma treatment options. Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest cancers around, so obviously surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and so on are all things to talk to your doctor about.

How to Find Acupuncture Points

How to Find Acupuncture Points

Finding acupuncture points is part of a much larger study of Chinese acupuncture. This ancient system works with the meridians in your body to help heal blocked energy or Qi, which in turn may be contributing to discomfort and disease in the body.

Things You'll Need:

Chinese meridian chart


Determine which area of the body is in need of attention. The meridians mostly foucs on your organs including: the lungs, large and small intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, bladder, kidney, liver and gall bladder.


Look up a meridian chart on-line or in a book. The meridians run from the top to the bottom of your body on the front and back of you. If you have pain associated with a specific organ, a main acupuncture point may be located anywhere along that meridian. Each meridian on the chart is clearly labeled so you can determine which organ you want to work with.


One common point for the stomach runs along the outside of the knee on the stomach meridian, stomach 36. It is located about 2.5 inches below the knee.

Tips & Warnings

Although locating acupuncture points is easy to do with a chart, acupuncture should only be done by a licensed professional.

How to Find Acupuncture Points in the Body

How to Find Acupuncture Points in the Body

In acupuncture treatment, metallic needles are applied to various points on the body. The electromagnetic field of these points is balanced to work on symptoms and health conditions that occur near the vicinity of the point or in a different location that the point affects.


Learn the 12 meridian pathways that run through the body. They include the kidney, heart, small intestine, bladder, pericardium, large intestine, lung, stomach, gall bladder, governing vessel and conception meridians. Acupuncture treatment is aimed at balancing these pathways by tapping into points along the meridians.


Use your senses to learn the location of points. Trace the meridian with your finger along your body. Palpate the channel to get a feeling for the space that runs through it. Feel for points along the channel. You'll feel a dent or cleft, a change in skin texture or temperature or another small marker.


Purchase acupuncture charts and models that display the meridians and points. You can find them in books, online images or large posters. Study the chart, then attach small sticker dots along the body to learn what these points feel like on the human body.


Look up information on various conditions to find out what points should be manipulated to treat the situation.

Tips & Warnings

Don't attempt to administer acupuncture unless you have professional training.

Seek the advice of a physician for any serious medical conditions.

How to Find a Primary Dosha

How to Find a Primary Dosha

According to Ayurveda, a holistic system from India, health is based on body types known as "Doshas." There are three different doshas: Vatha, Pitta and Kapha. While everyone has characteristics of all doshas, most people reflect more of one than the others. To benefit from this system, one must first find their primary dosha. Then they can learn to balance diet, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and emotions for a healthier life.


Complete a quiz on an Ayurved-related web site and calculate your primary and secondary dosha. However, as with any health system, a brief self-administered questionnaire will not provide you with definitive answers about your needs. To gain full benefit of dosha awareness, you should see a certified Ayurved practitioner.


Learn more about the different doshas. They're a way to describe people based on the natural elements they exhibit, both physically and emotionally. The vata dosha combines the elements of space and air. The pitta dosha represents those of fire and water and the kappa dosah combines qualities of water and earth.


Review the physical and emotional attributes shown by people with the various doshas. Vata types are usually thin, light-boned people with cold feet and cold, dry hands who walk and talk fast. They are susceptible to skin, neurological and mental disorders. They would benefit from eating more warm food and drinking more warm liquids, establishing a routine and getting plenty of rest.


Explore the pitta types who are usually of medium build with warm hands and feet, who walk purposefully. They are susceptible to heartburn, sleep problems and arthritis. Pitta types should pursue the cool attitude in life, eating more cool foods and turning away when situations become too hot to handle.


Research the kapha types who are usually of large build with oily hair and skin. They are vulnerable to diabetes, stomach, gallbladder and respiratory problems. Kapha types should seek balance by eating light, warming foods and leading toxin-free lifestyles.

Tips & Warnings

Find your relationship match based on the dosha principles online where membership is free.

How to find a NEW doctor

How to find a NEW doctor

The main hurdle in finding a doctor; whether it's a family doctor, an internist, a surgeon or other type of expert is to find one that you TRUST WITH YOUR LIFE!


First, call your health insurance plan or managed care plan and get a list of doctors who are approved providers. (Note: If you choose a doctor who's not on your plan's list, you'll normally have to pay more.)


Ask essential questions of yourself. Do you want a family doctor or a specialist? Do you want a doctor who practices on their own, or would you rather be part of a bigger group practice, where doctors typically share tasks or fill in for each other during vacations and days off?


Is gender a concern? Do you want a male or female doctor? If you're choosing a doctor for the entire family, will your spouse or kids prefer a male or female doctor? I you have adolescents, what will their preference be?


Ask family members, neighbors, friends, associates and other people you trust for recommendations. Who do they suggest? Who would they NOT suggest?


Check the doctor's qualifications. Is she or he a specialist? Check with the American Board of Medical Specialists to see if the doctor is certified in the specialty they claims.


Make a call and a visit to the doctor's office. How friendly is the receptionist or individual who answers the phone? How considerate are they to your questions or concerns? Are they hasty or willing to listen? Is the office hygienic and well staffed? Are sick patients (especially children) kept separately in the waiting area?


Set up a consultation with the doctor - a time to meet each other and evaluate whether you feel you can work with this doctor. Ask important questions about the big topics - principles, education, methods of treatment, thoroughness about keeping updated with the latest medical advances, openness to alternative medicine, etc. - any topics that are significant to you. And don't forget to ask the seemingly small matters, too. What are the doctor's office hours? Weekend procedures? How are emergencies managed? Does the doctor return telephone calls on a daily basis?


Ask about other fundamental components of your health care team. At which hospital does the doctor have rights? Who fill in when the doctor is on holiday?


Once you've done your research, take time to think about how you feel about your interviews with the doctors you've met, because this is where you'll discover your choice. Were your satisfied with the interaction? Did you feel comfortable with the doctor's credentials but turned off by their personality? Did they explain things in words you could identify with, or was communication difficult? Did the doctor offer several methods to treating an issue in a style that would help you choose what to do? Was the doctor supportive of your thoughts and attitudes about health care, and did they consider you as a key partner in your health care? Did the doctor make you feel comfortable about seeking a second opinion from another physician? If you felt contented with the doctor's capabilities and ability to interact as a person, you'll be much closer to a decision.

How to Find a Deadly Poison List

How to Find a Deadly Poison List

More than two million people a year are injured or die as a result of poisoning. A large portion of these reported deaths generally occur in the home. People can ingest poisons by eating, breathing or even absorbing them through the skin. In some circumstances, poison can be even injected naturally, through a bug sting, for example. To find a deadly poison list, be sure to try the following:

Things You'll Need:

Telephone access

Internet access

A local hospital, doctor's office or Health department

Find a Deadly Poison List


Contact the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC). This office has been around for more than 50 years. To find a deadly poison list, be sure to register into the National Poison Data System.


Call the American Red Cross (ARC). In addition to a deadly poison list, the ARC will also have resources about poison prevention and treatment.


Talk with a physician, hospital administrator or medical caregiver. Medical clinics, hospitals and specialist offices often have relevant lists or access to important information.


Go to your local health department if you need to find a deadly poison list. The U.S. Government publishes documents, lists, medical papers and other medical-related items that have to do with deadly poisons. Homeland Security is another valuable resource.


Use your local resources. Call a local church,
, community college or university to find a deadly poison list.

Tips & Warnings

Contact the Poison Prevention Packet, CPSC, Washington D.C., 20207 to find a deadly poison list, as well.

To find a deadly poison list, try calling Poison Control at (800) 222-1222.

Be sure to place a deadly poison list in plain view.

How to Find a Chelation Therapy Doctor

How to Find a Chelation Therapy Doctor

Finding a licensed and trained practitioner to offer chelation therapy services can be difficult. Since the AMA hasn't approved this form of treatment as of yet, they do everything in their power to keep alternative medical providers from advertising services. There are a few places and techniques you can use to locate a doctor that will help you.


Ask at your local health food store if they know of anyone in the area that performs chelation therapy. The community of people that turn to alternative healing techniques tends to stick together and keep aware of each other. You may not find an answer in each store but in one or two you should find someone that will be helpful.


Call or search the website of the American College for Advancement in Medicine. This organization has training and licensing programs for healthcare practitioners who want to be able to offer this type of service. They maintain a directory of their graduates and will be happy to provide you with a referral to a doctor in your area.


Contact local chiropractors in your area and inquire about chelation therapy and providers that they are familiar with. Asking a doctor for a referral will generally get you the name of a competent and safe provider.


Request referrals from the doctor. Getting the names and contact information from some of the doctor's patients will let you ask questions about their services and the success of the treatment. You will also be able to find out about any bad things that the patient may know or have heard about the doctor. Be diligent in your searching out a provider, just as you would in finding a new allopathic doctor.

How to Find a Biofeedback Practitioner

How to Find a Biofeedback Practitioner

Biofeedback enables people to learn about their body's functions and then learn how to control them. Practitioners hook participants up to machines that measure brain waves and/or heart rate. Participants can learn how to control parts of their body's functions with relaxation and other techniques. It can help with sleeping problems, headaches, backaches and urinary incontinence. If you're interesting in biofeedback, you need to find a biofeedback practitioner.


Contact the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA). Here you can search for certified (through BCIA) biofeedback practitioners in your area.


Go the Association for Applied Psychology and Biofeedback for another list of biofeedback practitioners in your area. To be on the list at the AAPB, participants must have BCIA certification. AAPB does not certify practitioners themselves.


Talk to your care provider if you can't find a practitioner in your area. They may know of someone going through certification who can help you.


Use caution when choosing a biofeedback practitioner since there is no state regulation regarding their training or licensing. Anyone with equipment can claim to be a biofeedback practitioner. Most experts agree that biofeedback practitioners should have certification and should have a background in psychology.


Interview a couple of practitioners, if possible, to find one that you like and that has experience caring for your particular health problem. Your practitioner should be someone you trust, someone who knows how to use the equipment and someone who actually helps you.

How to See an Ayurvedic Practitioner

How to See an Ayurvedic Practitioner

Ayurvedic medicine is a type of medical practice that can trace its roots back thousands of years in India. It is a holistic form of medicine that can be used to cure ailments of both the body and mind. If you are looking for an alternative remedy to your health problem, you may wish to seek out an ayurvedic practitioner.


Find a practitioner in your area. You may have a hard time finding a listing in your local phone book. Your best bet is to do some research on the Internet. The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine's website can help you locate a practitioner.


Research the practitioner that you are interested in seeing. Find out what schools he attended and the training in ayurvedic medicine that he has received.


Set up an initial meeting with your practitioner. Let her know about your health and tell her what you expect to get out of treatment. A physical exam may also take place at the first visit.


Listen to the balance of your doshas. The practitioner uses your initial exam to determine the balance of your doshas. The doshas are a person's characteristics that decide his mental and physical well being.


Design a treatment plan with your ayurvedic practitioner. He'll probably recommend a mixture of dietary changes, exercise and meditation. These techniques are used to cleanse the body of impurities and regain balance.

Tips & Warnings

Many people use ayurvedic medicine as a complementary treatment for their health problem. It has been proven helpful when used along with traditional medical practices.

The United States currently has no program to certify or accredit practitioners of ayurvedic medicine.

How to See a Hypnotist

How to See a Hypnotist

Hypnosis is a popular therapeutic treatment that is painless, natural and can be self taught. People seek hypnotists to help them with problems ranging from weight loss, smoking cessation, overcoming fears and phobias and modifying unpleasant behaviors. Find a credible hypnotist in your area and learn what to expect at your first session. Read on to learn more.


Find a hypnotist in your area. Use referrals from family, friends and your primary care physician or search in your phone book or online.


Make an appointment for a consultation with the hypnotist. At the consultation, hypnotists ask questions to determine the cause of the problem you'd like to remedy through hypnosis. He'll explain what hypnosis is and how you might feel in a hypnotic state.


Test to see how well your subconscious takes suggestions. Based on this, the hypnotist will carefully choose how to get you into the hypnotic trance that is right for you.


Train in self hypnosis. The hypnotist may deem that you can learn how to effectively put yourself into a hypnotic trance and teach you how to do so.

Tips & Warnings

Meet with a hypnotist with an open mind. You will only be led in hypnosis as far as you are willing to be led.

Hypnobirthing is a form of hypnosis taught to pregnant women who want to use hypnosis during labor and delivery to manage pain.

How to Remove Warts With Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Remove Warts With Apple Cider Vinegar

No one wants to have a wart, particularly if it's prominently displayed. There are quite a few home remedies for removing warts and one of them is apple cider vinegar. Read on to find out how to remove a wart with this gentle, effective remedy.

Things You'll Need:

Cotton ball

Apple cider vinegar

Bandage or duct tape



Wash the area thoroughly. Remember that a wart is caused by a virus, so be careful when removing them. You don't want the virus to spread.


Douse a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar before going to bed each night.


Apply the cotton ball to the area where the wart is located. Hold it in place with a band aid or medical tape.


Sleep. When morning comes, remove the bandage and cotton ball and go about your normal day.


Reapply a new cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar each night for a week. The wart should turn black or darker and look ready to fall off. If it doesn't, continue for another week.


Keep the wart and the surrounding area clean, before and after removal. Wash it with a cotton ball soaked in astringent and dispose of the cotton ball immediately. Throw away the bandage and cotton ball used to cover the wart each morning to avoid any possible contamination.

How to Remove Warts Naturally

How to Remove Warts Naturally

Warts are harmless growths on the skin that can develop alone or in clusters. Although they can appear anywhere they are most commonly found on the hands, arms, knees and face. Dermatologists can burn them off with lasers or freeze them off with a nitrogen solution but many people have success with natural home remedies as well.


Crush or slice a garlic clove, place it on the wart and cover it with a bandage for seven nights.


Pick a dandelion and squeeze the white milky liquid from the stem onto the wart once or twice every day for several days.


Crush a vitamin C tablet, apply it to the wart and cover it with a bandage. Repeat for several days until wart disappears.


Apply a drop of grapefruit, papaya or pineapple extract on the wart several times a day and cover with a bandage or place a piece of banana peel, peel side out, on the wart. Tape it in place day and night and change the peel two or three times a day until the wart is gone. Grapefruit, papaya, pineapple and bananas have enzymes that can often remove warts safely.


Rub a piece of raw potato on the wart several times a day for a few weeks until the wart disappears.


Apply fresh aloe vera juice or apple cider vinegar to the wart. Repeat several times every day.


Suffocate the wart by placing a piece of duct tape on it. Keep it in place for about a week and then soak the wart until it is soft and file it down with an emery board.

How to Relieve Pain With Magnetic Therapy

How to Relieve Pain With Magnetic Therapy

Clinical trials that have looked at whether magnetic therapy relieves pain have had mixed results, but many people claim that they work for them. Electromagnets are currently being used under doctor supervision, but you can purchase static magnets for pain relief. Follow these steps if you are interested in seeing if magnetic therapy relieves your pain.


Determine what you are willing to spend. Magnets for pain relief come in different strengths (from 450 to 10,000 Gauss) and forms (from insoles to mattress pads), and they range in price from $5 to close to $1000. Some people recommend starting with neo magnets--coin-shaped magnets made of neodymium boom that can be affixed to the painful area.


Buy Transpore, a tape made of paper that is sold by 3M. This tape works better than adhesive bandages or other tape.


Affix the magnets to the painful area. Wait a few days and see if there is any relief.


Reposition it slightly if the magnet is not providing any relief. Some people put the magnets on acupuncture points--you can locate them in a book on the topic.


Expect relief to come with some time. If you do not experience pain relief within 30 days, magnets are probably not going to work for you. You can switch to another type of magnet or speak to your doctor about another therapy to relieve your pain.

Tips & Warnings

Pregnant women, people who wear electronic devices like insulin pumps, people with pacemakers and those who are using drug patches should not use magnet therapy.

How to Pick the Right Hemline for a Skirt

How to Pick the Right Hemline for a Skirt

Short and sassy or long and dramatic, the length of your skirt sends plenty of messages. Here's how to find the length that's right for you and right for the moment.

Things You'll Need:

A-line Skirts

Long Skirts


dresses and skirts


Identify your goal. Are you going for flat-out sexy? Businesslike? Elegant? Striking?


Perform a reality check. Do you have slender legs and a trim bottom? Unless you are one of the lucky few, rule out the micromini.


If you are micromini-safe, congratulations. Short skirts are fun and hip by nature, so you might go for a bold color or even leather, plastic or one of the new wearable papers.


Avoid tight minis. Short and clingy together are too much of a good thing.


Consider fabric and cut. In a long skirt, look for fluid movement to give a sense of your shape. Fabrics cut on the bias (with the grain of the fabric running diagonally) offer especially intriguing movement.


Avoid bright colors in a long skirt unless you want to make a very loud statement.


In a shorter skirt, firmer construction makes for nice, clean lines and a professional look.


Look for slits or an uneven hemline. Slits are a great way to break up the solid lines that can make a skirt dull or unflattering. Anything that creates movement, such as slits, asymmetry, sheer layers or flowy fabrics, will create drama and interest.


Make sure you can sit and walk comfortably. A skirt too short to sit in is a pain in the neck. Full-length skirts should just graze the floor.


Ask yourself or a friend if you are making the most of your figure. A skirt cut just below the knee will flatter slender calves, for example.

Tips & Warnings

The easy way out: black, cut 2 to 3 inches above the knee, with a back slit.

Only for the brave: midthigh. This sends all eyes to the thickest part of your leg.

Skip tea-length - a few inches above the floor - until further notice.

How to Pick the Right Heel Sandals for Spring

How to Pick the Right Heel Sandals for Spring

Fashion in shoe heel heights change about as often as dress styles, and


are no exception. Spring fashion sandals come in a variety of heels from flat to a spike heel of 4 inches or more. The best choice in heel is determined by one's height and the event--whether formal, casual or fun.


Pick a pair of sandals with a high heel to accentuate your calves when you wear a short spring dress. High heels on sandals add the appearance of height to your body and change the posture to what many consider to be a sexier gait.


Wear flip-flops with a flat sole and no heel for many activities during spring. This backless sandal is held on the foot by a single U-shaped strap coming up between the first and second toes and attaching on each side.


Choose a classic wedge heel for a comfortable shoe that will go with just about any outfit. A 1-inch platform sandal with a 4 1/2-inch high wedge makes a dressy complement to springtime attire, or is comfortable enough to wear with jeans.


Let a slide with a 3 1/4-inch heel show off your feet dancing or out to dinner. Slides are available in various heel heights, including 2-inch and 4-inch stacked, tapered heels.


Pick a slingback sandal design with heel heights just right for casual spring wear. Heels on slingbacks are from low at 1 inch to high at 3 1/4 inches.


Expect to get attention with the right t-strap design sandal. The added support of the strap across the toes and the arch makes even the high 3 3/4-inch heel comfortable.


Choose a pair of flat sandals with thin straps embellished with gemstones and forget about the heels. The right kind of dazzle on the straps will make this sandal one that draws attention to the feet.

Tips & Warnings

Get a pedicure before putting on fashionable sandals for springtime. Sandals are for showing off your feet.

Pick a comfortable heel height for you. Just because a sandal is attractive on someone else doesn't mean it will work with your body style and the shape of your foot.

Wear toe rings to add pizzazz to your feet when you wear sandals during spring.

High heels are believed by some medical experts to cause or exacerbate degenerative changes in the knee and hip joints.

How to Pick the Right Color Spring Sandals

How to Pick the Right Color Spring Sandals

Every spring brings a new array of color. Fashion trends go from golden apricot to shades of purple and to the calming effect of sky blue. Choosing the right color of


to match your spring wardrobe will make a statement about your excellent taste in fashion.


Read the latest fashion magazines to identify the hot colors for spring.


Think in color to bring out the best choices for your sandal collection. Most wardrobes tend to favor one or two colors or shades of the same color. Look for sandals that have multiple shades of color that match your outfits.


Pick up a pair of sandals in neutral shades to wear with all your outfits that are not in a specific color scheme. For instance, if most of your wardrobe is in various tones of blue, you'll need sandals to wear with those stray pieces in orange, green or purple.


Make a fashion statement this spring when you step out in sandals that dazzle. Color is added to some sandal styles by embellishing the straps with gemstones of different colors. Celebrate any occasion with embellished sandals that match your outfit.


Reverse the normal approach to shopping for your spring wardrobe by buying the sandals first and then finding the right apparel to match. It is sometimes more difficult to find the right sandals to complement an outfit than it is to find an outfit to match the shoes.


Match the color of your sandals to your shirt or top. For instance, a red pair of sandals is a good choice with white capris and a bright red tee.


Take a hint from the


that bloom in spring to pick your color for sandals. The choices range from lily white to brilliant purple.


Pick up a pair of thongs to match your cover-up for your swimwear. Cool fashion doesn't end when you go to the beach.

Tips & Warnings

Use jewelry accessories on your ankles and toes to add color to neutral tones in sandals.

Wear a pair of sunglasses that match your sandals and carry a matching tote bag to liven up any dull, spring outfit.

Wear sandals with good support to reduce the chances of foot problems. Poor arch support can result in damage to the ligament and muscle in the bottom of the foot.

A diabetic should wear sandals only on the approval of his doctor, since the normal sensations are often compromised by diabetic neuropathy.

How to Pick the Right Color Hat for Spring

How to Pick the Right Color Hat for Spring

After long months of dreary skies and dull winter wardrobes, people have long used spring as an excuse to celebrate light fabrics and colors. As with the flowers making their presences known on
, bushes and stems, you can use your hat to proclaim a new year and a resurgence of light and energy.

Things You'll Need:

Weather forecast

Accent Your Wardrobe


Pick narrowly brimmed hats if your wardrobe consists of casual, sporty clothing. To make these hats look festive, tuck a small sprig of real or silk flowers into the hatband. Scarf pins and brooches can also update a hat and add an air of elegance to an old favorite.


Pick wide-brimmed hats if you wear dresses and floral patterns in spring. The important thing is to wear a hat that complements your outfit and the needs of the season. For windy days, use a hatpin, a scarf tied over the top or bobby pins to secure a floppy hat to your hair.


Pick a hat that is the right color for your skin tone. Blondes look good in reds, pinks and dark blues. Redheads can wear turquoise, bright whites and green shades. Brunettes can look coolly elegant in beiges, rich reds and plum colors. Even if you are a casual dresser and want to find a chic, simple hat, you can celebrate spring by choosing one in an eye-catching color.

Coordinate With Your Activities


Choose a hat that will work easily with your daily activities. If you are a tennis player, for example, choose a sporty, cotton hat in bright, spring colors.


Read the weather forecast to learn whether you are in for a wet spring, a dry spring or a little bit of both. In wet areas, stay away from straw and felt hats, as well as ribbons and floral embellishments. Instead, choose treated cottons that will keep the rain off and still maintain a jaunty shape.


Embellish plain hats, worn for everyday activities, with buttons, ribbons and even dye if you want hats that are both sensible and pretty. If you attend church or formal functions, then there is no reason to avoid splurging on fancier wool, silk and straw hats.

Tips & Warnings

The right hat will brighten your wardrobe and your spirits. Try on several, both within and beyond the styles you normally wear. Spring is a time of rebirth, and a hat that is a bit sportier or more romantically styled than you would normally wear can have an invigorating effect on your attitude.

How to pick the perfect sunglasses. by Jason Tadeo

How to pick the perfect sunglasses. by Jason Tadeo

Ever saw that guy or gal with the most hideous sunglasses on their face? I have... and after working in the Sunglass industry, I've compiled a list of how to pick the perfect pair for you!

Things You'll Need:

Jason Tadeo's expertise!

A mirror.


Look at your facial structure carefully in the mirror. Find the distinct shape of your face. They typically are round, square, oval or triangle.


Round faces require square to rectangular sunglasses. Choose angular glasses that elongate your face. At all costs, DO NOT PURCHASE ROUND GLASSES...unless you want to resemble the whistling Walmart face!

Square faces need to soften your features, this can be achieved through rounder frames. Rectangular frames with nice curved edges would do perfectly.

Oval shaped faces wants to have drama. Choose sunglasses that are wider than the broadest part of your face, usually below the eyes and cheeks.

Triangular faces looks good wearing sunglasses that widen the forehead. Rimless sunglasses would work perfectly with this shape.


Frame material getting you crazy? Use metal frames for more formal affairs. If you'll be using these glasses at work and formal meetings outdoors, metal is the way to go.

Use plastic for more casual uses. True it can also play into formal wear, but that will require a more formalized feel for the frames. Jewels, wood, ivory and other materials can make a plastic frame formal.


If this will be your first luxury pair... choose wisely. When choosing color, Jason Tadeo suggests going with a color that compliments your hair. If you have blond hair, purchase tortoise colored frames. Black hair with black frames. Greying hair with grey or black frames.


Lens quality is the most important to consider. Depending on the color. Blue lenses are made for foggy conditions. Grey lenses cool the eye. Brown lenses define objects more. Rose lenses are strictly for aesthetics.


Regular or polarized. If there are options for polarization, purchase polarized glasses. Polarized sunglasses eliminate glare and bouncing light that can be very harmful to the eyes. Unless you're a pilot who views through polarized cockpit windows or a very few who cannot deal with polarization, you should spend the extra dollars on polarization.

Tips & Warnings

Any specialty sunglass store would have educated associates.

Beware of associates giving you more than 5 sunglasses, they may not be trained well enough to understand your facial structure.

More information has been written about this topic, don't base ALL of your decisions on this article...although...I am pretty darn good at this!

How to Pick the Perfect Bikini Top

How to Pick the Perfect Bikini Top

Everyone has the right to look their best in the sun. Be confident and happy with your body, and find the perfect bikini top that will flatter you as you hang out at the local


hole this summer or go on an exotic cruise.


Give the illusion of larger breasts with stripes and bright vibrant colors. The brighter colors and prints will make your chest look bigger, and you can enhance this effect with a padded bikini top.


Support larger breasts. Pick the perfect bikini top for larger breasts by searching for underwire and supporting built in bra tops. Try on a halter tankini top with built in support to minimize your ****s.


Go for a string bikini. These are best for women with smaller breasts, as the tiny strips of fabric will make ****s look bigger.


Pick the perfect bikini top with lots of flare. Look for a bikini top with sequins, scrunchy fabrics and loud designs. These are in, and they will let you have fun with different top and bottom combinations.


Bring a friend along and take pictures. You must be certain that the one that looks good in the store will look good by the pool. Ask you friend for an honest opinion on every bikini top you try, and have her take pictures from flattering and unflattering angles so you can get the full picture. Pictures will show you the good, the bad and the ugly.

How to Pick the Perfect Bikini Bottom

How to Pick the Perfect Bikini Bottom

With today's mix-and-match approach to bikinis, almost everyone can find a flattering bikini bottom to show off her best assets at the beach. If you know a few figure-flattering tricks, you'll be able to disguise your flaws and play up your best features.


Look at yourself in the mirror, nude. Examine both your front and your back to come up with a description of your figure. Be objective rather than critical.


Make a list of what you want to draw attention away from. Though you're just thinking about bikini bottoms, consider your entire body.


Balance out a large bust or shoulders by choosing bikini bottoms with patterns or bold prints, sashes, ties or belts. Drawing attention to your hips in this way creates the illusion of greater proportion.


Create a waist by picking a bikini bottom that emphasizes your hips with ruffle or bow details. The goal is to make your hips appear somewhat larger than your waist, making you look curvy rather than boyish.


Lengthen a short torso by wearing bikini bottoms that sit low on your hips. However, stay away from boy shorts or swim skirts, which can shorten your torso with their blocky shapes even when they sit low on your hips.


Shorten a long torso with a high-cut bikini or a string bikini. You can also wear boy shorts or bikini bottoms with ruffles or other detail as long as you keep the colors bright.


Draw attention away from a pear shape with a simple bikini bottom in a dark color. If you're also trying to minimize a large bottom, you can choose a sleek swim skirt. Avoid both boy shorts and skimpy bikini bottoms.


Shop in-person for a bikini bottom that matches your body. You must try on the bottom to make sure that the fit is flattering.