How to Find a Primary Dosha

How to Find a Primary Dosha

According to Ayurveda, a holistic system from India, health is based on body types known as "Doshas." There are three different doshas: Vatha, Pitta and Kapha. While everyone has characteristics of all doshas, most people reflect more of one than the others. To benefit from this system, one must first find their primary dosha. Then they can learn to balance diet, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and emotions for a healthier life.


Complete a quiz on an Ayurved-related web site and calculate your primary and secondary dosha. However, as with any health system, a brief self-administered questionnaire will not provide you with definitive answers about your needs. To gain full benefit of dosha awareness, you should see a certified Ayurved practitioner.


Learn more about the different doshas. They're a way to describe people based on the natural elements they exhibit, both physically and emotionally. The vata dosha combines the elements of space and air. The pitta dosha represents those of fire and water and the kappa dosah combines qualities of water and earth.


Review the physical and emotional attributes shown by people with the various doshas. Vata types are usually thin, light-boned people with cold feet and cold, dry hands who walk and talk fast. They are susceptible to skin, neurological and mental disorders. They would benefit from eating more warm food and drinking more warm liquids, establishing a routine and getting plenty of rest.


Explore the pitta types who are usually of medium build with warm hands and feet, who walk purposefully. They are susceptible to heartburn, sleep problems and arthritis. Pitta types should pursue the cool attitude in life, eating more cool foods and turning away when situations become too hot to handle.


Research the kapha types who are usually of large build with oily hair and skin. They are vulnerable to diabetes, stomach, gallbladder and respiratory problems. Kapha types should seek balance by eating light, warming foods and leading toxin-free lifestyles.

Tips & Warnings

Find your relationship match based on the dosha principles online where membership is free.