How to Find Acupuncture Points

How to Find Acupuncture Points

Finding acupuncture points is part of a much larger study of Chinese acupuncture. This ancient system works with the meridians in your body to help heal blocked energy or Qi, which in turn may be contributing to discomfort and disease in the body.

Things You'll Need:

Chinese meridian chart


Determine which area of the body is in need of attention. The meridians mostly foucs on your organs including: the lungs, large and small intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, bladder, kidney, liver and gall bladder.


Look up a meridian chart on-line or in a book. The meridians run from the top to the bottom of your body on the front and back of you. If you have pain associated with a specific organ, a main acupuncture point may be located anywhere along that meridian. Each meridian on the chart is clearly labeled so you can determine which organ you want to work with.


One common point for the stomach runs along the outside of the knee on the stomach meridian, stomach 36. It is located about 2.5 inches below the knee.

Tips & Warnings

Although locating acupuncture points is easy to do with a chart, acupuncture should only be done by a licensed professional.